

The Southern Mozambique is considered one of top dive destinations in the word due to the variety of marine life. 


The reefs lay within Maputo Special Reserve and consists of subtropical reefs.


The water temperature in summer month (November-April) varies between 24 and 26 degrees and in winter (May-October) from 21-23 degrees.


Average visibility is around 15 meters and good visibility is 30 meters.

Rarely less then 10 meters visibility in Southern Mozambique.


There are 28 dive sites in the raging from 9 meters to 46 meters catering for both beginners and experienced divers.


What can you find: 


Black cheek eels

Pipe fish

Leaf fish

Potato Bass


Game fish

8 different species of rays

Ghost pipe fish

Angler fish

Devil fire fish

Coral reef fish


Dusky sweepers

Black coral

Green coral tree

Spanish dancers

Sea apples

Long nose hawk fish

Garden Eels

Crocodile fish

Egg shell shrimps

Trumpet fish

Royal angel fish

Stone fish


Natural beauty of soft and hard corals and sponges and brilliant turtle life as well as a great variety of anemones.


Shark diving


Amazing shark diving specially in summer time where you can easily find Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, Black Tip, Silver Tip, Spinners, Java, Leopard, Grey reef shark and Hammerhead.


Pinnacles a famous dive spot for shark diving.

19 species fo sharks where registered in the Southern Mozambique. 


On a Pinnacles dive you can always see at least 5 different species of sharks. 




Duration of the course is about 4 days and with this qualification you can dive anywhere in the world up to 18 meters deep. Includes one day theory, one day pool session and four qualifying dives. 

Price per person: 24,000.00 MT 




Discover the wonders of the sea. This one-time experience includes a brief theory, pool session and one dive with an instructor. No experience or course needed. 

Price per person: 6,500.00 MT


Also available advanced and group package courses. For more information please click here.